Mid Day Meal
Tel: 91-172-2623106
Fax: 91-172-2624687
Email: ssa.punjab@yahoo.co.in

Useful Links

S.No. Particulars Website
1. MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource Development) www.education.nic.in
2. Education for all in India www.educationforallinindia.com
3. Department of School Education, Govt. of Punjab www.punjabeducation.gov.in
4. Govt. of Punjab www.punjabgovt.nic.in
5. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan www.ssa.nic.in
6. India Shiksha www.indiashiksha.com
7. Department of Health & Family welfare www.nrhm.com
8. List of Schools Affiliated to PSEB www.pseb.ac.in
9. List of Schools Affiliated to CBSE www.cbseaff.nic.in
10. List of Schools Affiliated to ICSE www.cisce.org